Slow and steady wins the race!

You know the phrase “slow and steady wins the race”? We preach that the secret to success is that it's not a secret at all - it's just years of hard work, building up a reputation and laying the groundwork so that your business experiences sustainable, lasting growth.

But when you're behind on sales, sometimes a quick win is just what you need to push you through the busiest part of the season.


The Challenge

In April of 2016, Marty was looking for help to grow his small pest control business.

Noting that his industry lacks a certain sex appeal, Marty was struggling to find an agency that not only knew how to target his customers, but understood his business on a deeper level.

He'd experienced a slow start to the season, and he needed someone who knew what that meant for his business, and who could help him fix it - fast. 

“This is what I’d been looking for for a long time,” says Marty. “I wanted a company that could do websites and marketing, but just for pest control.” As soon as he heard about our mission, he was sold.

The Solution

Based in the greater Seattle area, Sound Pest Control was doing just over half a million a year. Marty was frustrated to find that his marketing strategy was stale - not bringing in the quantity nor quality of leads his business needed to keep the lights on. 

The solution was to start the company off with conversion-focused landing pages and a customized, aggressive Pay-Per-Click strategy to help Marty bring in the leads he needed to get through the summer - targeting only the most qualified potential customers searching in his top markets. 

Conversion Rate
Over Lead Goal
Average CPL

The Results

By June, they’d had their best month ever.

By July, they'd surpassed their original summer sales goal. 

The result: a 30% conversion rate - the highest of any of our smaller clients. And leads? They were flying in at 140% or more over the established lead goal, with an average cost of $43 per lead - well below our client average during high competition summer months.

Meanwhile, radio silence from Marty.


Nope. He was just too busy.

“We were getting so many quality leads!” says Marty. “You can always get leads, but it doesn’t mean they’re good quality.”

Meg Parrish, the Sales Executive who had been working with Marty from the jump, knew the drill. “We work with enterprise clients who have layers of processes in place to handle an influx of leads, but business owners for small companies that are growing sometimes wind up answering the phones or out in the field doing tech work themselves."

"This solution was perfect for a business like Sound Pest Control, who realized they were behind and needed high-quality leads fast to get through the busy season." 

In 2016, Sound Pest Control’s revenue grew by 15.81%.

In October, when Marty and his team had a little breathing room, Coalmarch by Workwave launched Sound Pest Control's snazzy new website and started planning the strategy that would help Marty hit a million in 2017.

Not getting the leads you need this spring? Sound Pest Control is proof that it's never too late to save the season. 

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